Nicholas 驳斥了上述言论,他指出反烟人士只看到了含有大麻添加物的劣质电子烟产品带来的负面影响,却忽视了一个关键问题:经过多方学术认证,品质合格的电子烟的确能帮助烟民减害。尼古拉斯以国际权威医学组织考克兰协作组织的研究举例,该组织连续在七年内发布了五份报告,证明电子烟具有戒烟作用,而且效果优於尼古丁替代疗法。
Reminder: You must be at least 18 years old to purchase from this website.
Electronic cigarettes may contain nicotine, which is addictive. Electronic cigarettes are intended for individuals aged 18 and above, and are not advisable for those with nicotine allergies or sensitivities; Pregnant or nursing women; Individuals who must avoid nicotine products due to medical reasons; or those with unstable heart conditions, as they may pose health risks. Store electronic cigarettes out of children's reach.
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