6月15日,第六届规范发展宣贯会暨首届出口服务发展大会於深圳宝安前海JW万豪酒店隆重召开。深圳作为全球雾谷,本次大会备受全球关注。 为表彰优秀出海企业,推广先进经验,弘扬中国电子烟产业拼搏四海的出口精神,大会举办了首届电子烟出口优秀企业奖“雾谷奖”评选,上百家企业参与本次评选。
6月15日,第六届规范发展宣贯会暨首届出口服务发展大会於深圳宝安前海JW万豪酒店隆重召开。深圳作为全球雾谷,本次大会备受全球关注。 为表彰优秀出海企业,推广先进经验,弘扬中国电子烟产业拼搏四海的出口精神,大会举办了首届电子烟出口优秀企业奖“雾谷奖”评选,上百家企业参与本次评选。
Electronic cigarettes may contain nicotine, which is addictive. Electronic cigarettes are intended for individuals aged 18 and above, and are not advisable for those with nicotine allergies or sensitivities; Pregnant or nursing women; Individuals who must avoid nicotine products due to medical reasons; or those with unstable heart conditions, as they may pose health risks. Store electronic cigarettes out of children's reach.